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Before even Schmidt's less costly designs proceeded, the RHB consulted two more visiting engineers of world renown. In 1898, C. Napier Bell endorsed Schmidt's scheme but claimed that a minimum depth of 20ft (6m) was achievable from town to bay, and that an astounding 24ft (7.2m) was possible.

1. Bell's design for Upper Flats

Bell's design for Upper Flats
Magnifying glass

3. Bell's design for Humbug Channel (later Satellite Wall)

Bell's design for Humbug Channel (later Satellite Wall)
  Magnifying glass
2. Bell's design for Sand Flats

Bell's design for Sand Flats
  Magnifying glass

4. Bell's design for Shoal Island to Rocky Point (later Shoal Island Wall)

Bell's design for Shoal Island to Rocky Point (later Shoal Island Wall)
  Magnifying glass
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