Abstract - Report

An abstract or synopsis summarises briefly (150-200 words), the findings of the entire report.

It usually contains:

The abstract does not include the report's recommendations.

Tip: The abstract is NOT the introduction.


This report discusses the feasibility study carried out from 12 June 2001 to 7 December 2001 into the damming of the Blue River between Johnson's Creek and Blackstump Creek. Water flow rates, sediment levels, fish stock numbers, weed infiltration rates and salinity tests have been carried out and positive conclusions have been drawn. It should be noted that areas flooded by the proposed dam include only those areas already declared unusable for agricultural purposes. It is expected that economic opportunities for a fishery, council caravan park, irrigation leases and household water meter reservoirs will be forthcoming within twelve months of the dam's completion.

Communications Learning Centre (CLC) n.d., Report Writing, viewed 12 January 2009, http://dtls.cqu.edu.au/clc/2_1_3.html